useful plants and their uses

useful plants and their uses

- if you're expectingthe piranha plant from super mario to be onthis list, it's not real. i checked. so the world can be a verydangerous place for humans. there are many thingsthat are deadly to us, but of course this isn't news. i mean, no one's about to go stroll into a lion's den anytime soon. but often times the thingsthat are most dangerous

are the things that wedon't know about or don't perceive to be dangerous. for example, plants. well as it turns out the earthis filled with many types of plants that are deadly,some of which might be in your backyard right now. seriously. so this week i gatheredthe most lethal plants on earth to share with you all.

so here they are, the (music) actaea pachypoda, more commonly known as doll's eyes, or whitebaneberry, is native to the northern and easternparts of north america and is not only creepylooking, but quite deadly. although the whole plantis toxic to humans, the berries, which looklike little eyeballs, are the most poisonous part.

the concentrated toxins in the fruit have unfortunately killed many children as they not only appear fun to eat,but have a sweet taste. once ingested, the carcinogenictoxins in the fruit have an almost immediateeffect, sedating the muscles of the heart,causing cardiac arrest and a quick death. they ripen in the summerand disappear in the winter so remember, if you see thesein the summer, stay away.

and if you see them inthe winter they may be real doll's eyes, whichmeans there may be a deranged individual in the area andyou should leave immediately. cicuta, also known as water hemlock, is native to the temperate regionsof the northern hemisphere and is the most violentlytoxic plant in north america. it's also one of the mostfamous poisonous plants in history beingresponsible for the death of the philosopher socrates, around 400 bc.

they contain a toxin calledcicutoxin, which causes a whole host of nasty effects on the body, most notably death usuallyby respiratory failure or cardiac arrest and can occurwithin hours of ingestion. this one is especiallyterrifying simply because of how innocent it looks. then again, you havenothing to worry about as long as you don't go around eating random white flowers that you find.

if you're hungry bring a protein bar, man. the hell's wrong with you? aconitum, more commonlyknown as wolfsbane or monkshood, is native tothe mountainous regions of northern europe andasia and actually belongs to the buttercup family. how lovely. these vibrant purpleplants are commonly found in backyard gardens and are loaded with a

poisonous alkaloid calledaconite, which causes death by asphyxiationwithin two to six hours of entering the body. its history is welldocumented, being used on the tips of arrows by hunters and has been mentioned in literatureby shakespeare and even in harry potter as a potion oncebrewed by professor snape. it's also known in mythologyto be able to either repel a werewolf or induce a werewolf state.

and i know the mythologypart sounds fun, but seriously, don't touch this stuff. unless you're confrontedby an actual werewolf, in which case, start yanking plants. abrus precatorius, alsoknown as the rosary pea or crab's eye, is nativeto indonesia and is named after its brightred seeds, which resemble the beads of a rosary. abrin, the poison containedwithin the seeds, is

unbelievably deadly. in fact, it's similar to the poison ricin, but is 75 times stronger. what's curious is that ifswallowed whole, the seeds are relatively safe as theywill pass through the body protected by their tough coating. however many jewelrymakers have died pricking their finger while drillinginto the seeds, as they are used in jewelry around the world.

really though, is it worth the risk? there's like, what, 50 beads on a rosary and you're going to get,say, ten bucks for it? these people are the reason that warning labels were invented. atropa belladonna, simplyknown as belladonna or deadly nightshade, isnative to northern africa, europe, and western asia and is one of the world's most poisonous plants.

it contains tropanealkaloids, which if ingested, causes too many horribleeffects to list but most importantly can kill an adult with just 15 berries or a single leaf. interestingly, the effectsof the plant are not instant and can take hours oreven days to kick in. it was called belladonna,meaning beautiful woman in italian, because theberry's juice was used by women in the 1500's to dilatetheir pupils, making them

appear more seductive. but hey, that's cool. i mean, personally i likeit when a girl doesn't look like she's on a myriad of narcotics, but, you know, to each their own. ricinus communis simplyknown as the castor plant is native to eastern africaand india, but is widely cultivated as an ornament plant. in fact, it could very well be in your own

backyard right now. castor plants can bepurchased as just about any garden center, despitetheir beans containing the deadly poison ricin. in 2007 it was namedthe most poisonous plant in the world by the guinnessbook of world records. the ingestion of four toeight seeds will kill a human in two days, which is long,agonizing, and unstoppable. surprisingly though,research shows that it takes

seven to kill a pig, 11 to kill a dog, and a whopping 80 tokill a duck, which raises the important question, who's feeding ricin to animals to get this data? why you gotta kill the pig, dog, duck? nerium oleander, orsimply known as oleander, is native to themediterranean and asia and is one of the most dangerousplants on this list, despite how widely it's cultivated.

commonly used as decoration in homes and even schoolyards, it's anespecially dangerous plant because of its attractiveness. ingesting any part of thisplant is enough to kill you as it contains chemicalsknown as cardiac glycosides, which will stop your heart. even inhaling the smoke from burning it is enough to be fatal. in some parts of theworld it's known as the

"ass killer" because ofthe effects it has on the digestive tract before you die. which i will not explainin further detail because, you know, some things are just better left to the imagination. dendrocnide moroides,more commonly known as the stinging bush, isnative to the forests of australia and indonesia. it's the most deadly andpotent stinging nettle

in the world known for being covered in tiny hairs that delivera toxin called morodin. even lightly brushingany part of this plant will cause excruciatingstinging that will last for days or even months. (english accent) so if youenjoy the pleasures of nettles you're going to want to stay away from these ones, milford cubicle. ageratina altissima, betterknown as white snakeroot,

is commonly found in northamerica and is unique because unlike the otherplants on this list, it doesn't kill humansdirectly, but indirectly. the plant is often eatenby cattle and contains a toxin called tremetol,which gets absorbed into their bodies. when humans eat theirmeat or drink their milk it causes something calledmilk sickness, which is fatal.

in fact, it's widely believed that in 1818 nancy hanks lincoln,mother of abraham lincoln, died from milk sickness. that's an unfortunate riskbut i'm gonna be honest with you, it's one i'm willing to take. i loves me a good steak. hippomane mancinella,more commonly known as the manchineel tree, is commonly found in warm climates like florida, the bahamas,

and the caribbean. there are actually two waysthis tree can kill you. one is by standing underit during a rain storm as the raindrops willpick up the many toxins found in the tree's milky sap. the second is by eating thetree's deceptively sweet crabapple-like fruit knownas the little apple of death. so if you're ever travelingto any of these destinations and you see what lookslike a tasty apple tree,

avoid having a littlesnack or even going near it because that could be thelast vacation you ever take. and that's it for this time guys. before i let you go i justwanted to let you know that i have a vine account. whenever i get an idea for a video that can't go on my channelor can't be turned into a longer video, i turn itinto a six second video and post it to my vine account.

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oooh frosted cupcake, macaroon, oooh! that looks pretty good,i'm gonna take a selfie. (camera clicks) i give up. ♫ club goin' up, on a tuesday ♫ got your girl in thecut and she choosey ♫ as you can see nothing but intelligent stuff on there. anyways, enjoy and i will see you

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