medicinal vegetables and their uses

medicinal vegetables and their uses

hey guys, dr. axe here, founder of draxe.comand doctor of natural medicine. in this video i'm going to share with you the four mainbenefits of activated charcoal. activated charcoal, i think you're going to be surprisedwhen you hear about these four benefits and how it can be used on a regular basis or inemergency situations to even save somebody's life. now for starters, activated charcoal, theway it works is it doesn't work by absorbing toxins like some things do. it works by adsorbingtoxins. what adsorption means is that activated charcoal has many pores within it, and activatedcharcoal itself is full of negatively charged ions, and so what that does, it works likea magnet.

imagine this, you've activated charcoal goingthrough your bloodstream or through your gut. what it does is it starts to attract positiveelements. so heavy metals and certain toxins, it actually works like a magnet and they'reattracted to it. they bind to the outside of and bind to the activated charcoal for that reason that's where you're going to get most of the benefits of activated charcoalis through its ability to adsorb toxins within the body. for that reason, number one way it's usedtoday is through water filtration. if you've got to filter water, activated carbon or activatedcharcoal is actually used for water filtration systems. so that's one of the things you'llsee.

one of the second ways it's used today isthrough cleansing your body of mold. mold today has a positive charge versus a negativecharge of activated carbon. so oftentimes what people will do is take the equivalentof three capsules three times a day of activated charcoal or a tablespoon three times a day,and that will bind to mold within your system and help your body excrete it. now if you do decide to do a mold cleanseand take activated charcoal, you want to double to triple your water intake, so typicallydrinking your weight in ounces of water a day. so if you weigh 180 pounds, you wantto drink about 180 ounces of water that day. so again drinking a lot of water down is importantbecause one of the side effects is it can

cause constipation and cause you to back upif you're doing a large amount of activated charcoal or activated carbon as i'm talkingabout. so again, you do have to be careful for thatreason. but again it is amazing for cleansing your body of mold. again, if you've ever beenin a moldy home or had a mold issue, using activated charcoal can work. but again it'snot something for that reason or in general you want to use long term. just for that shortperiod of time. the number three thing that you can use activatedcharcoal or activated carbon for is for general detoxification. as i mentioned earlier, itadsorbs the toxins. if you've been exposed to heavy metals, such as mercury or lead,it can be used that way.

one of the things i've had many of my patientsdo in the past is i've worked with patients who've worked with mercury safe dentists andthey've gone and had their amalgam and silver fillings removed. well, on that day i actuallyhave them do large doses of probiotics along with activated charcoal to make sure if anyof those vapors would somehow get in their system, activated charcoal is there alongwith the probiotics to help bind to it and help eliminate it from their system. so again,for that reason through toxic adsorbtion is a great way that you can use it again justfor a short period of time, maybe a period of three days, one to three days using activatedcharcoal for that reason. and last but not least, according to a medicalstudy, activated charcoal is even more effective

at helping your body eliminate things likealcohol poisoning and saving someone's life than pumping somebody's stomach. so again,if you or someone you know ever swallows a poison or toxin, whether that be alcohol orsomething else, activated charcoal is something that a lot of medical professionals will use. if you know somebody has just swallowed somethingthey shouldn't have or something toxic, a tablespoon is what they'll typically recommendabout in dose. but that will bind to the toxins in the body, including things like alcohol,if somebody does have alcohol poisoning. so it's used that way as well. so i don't recommend using activated charcoalon a daily basis. but activated charcoal can

be used in emergency situations, for short-termcleanses or as long as a month, if you're looking to lower your cholesterol or do amold cleanse or something along those lines. now for daily use, or for i guess still moreperiodic typically, another great benefit is it can help whiten your teeth. so usinga just a bit of activated charcoal on your toothbrush. usually you want to do that rightbefore bed and right when you wake up in the morning. it's also a natural teeth whiteneras well. yu can check out some recipes for that online, very easy to find. well guys, i hope you've enjoyed this the way, if you want greater detail and more information about activated charcoal,check out my article. just do a google search

for "dr. axe activated charcoal" or just goto my website and search "activated charcoal." i've a long form article on this.i think you'll love it, with even greater detail. i've given you my top four pointshere. i've another six ways you can use activated charcoal to help benefit your health. and hey, don't forget to subscribe to theyoutube channel here. i've got some great information coming out on natural healingremedies that you don't want to miss. hey guys, thanks for watching.