an ingredient that can most likely be foundin your pantry is blackstrap molasses, which is a thick, dark syrup. it is made when sugar cane plants are processedto make sugar. even though the refined sugar is largely consideredunhealthy, the thick, syrup of molasses holds minerals and nutrients that are absorbed bythe plant. these minerals and nutrients include: iron,calcium, magnesium, potassium, manganese, vitamin b6, copper and selenium. molasses also has no fat, cholesterol andbarely any sodium. therefore, it can be consumed by a diabeticperson.
it is important to consume this product inmoderation, so therefore no more than one tablespoon per day. here are the top 10 health benefits of blackstrapmolasses: 1. prevents anemia blackstrap molasses is a great source of ironand therefore can be essential to someone who has iron-deficiency anemia. since it is a good source of iron, it helpsyour body to create more red blood cells, which carry oxygen from your lungs to therest of your body.
one tablespoon of blackstrap molasses immediatelyprovides your body with fifteen percent of your daily value of iron. simply mix one tablespoon of blackstrap molassesinto a cup of hot water or milk. consume this mixture once or twice per day. 2. reduces menstrual problems blackstrap molasses contains certain minerals,such as magnesium and calcium, that can help relieve menstrual cramps. it can also help your body to maintain healthymuscles in your uterus.
the iron in the molasses helps to reduce thechances of becoming anemic because of the blood lost. this is common in women who have irregularperiods. simply drink one cup of warm water mixed withone tablespoon of blackstrap molasses daily to prevent premenstrual (pms) symptoms, suchas tenderness in the breasts, bloating, retention of water, acne, becoming depressed and becomingirritable. the molasses is also able to help to controlheavy bleeding. 3. cures constipation and improves other digestiveproblems
blackstrap molasses is a natural laxativewhich can soften your stool. it can help to relieve constipation and makeyour bowels more regular. this is due to the high magnesium contentin the molasses that helps to relax your muscles and bring water into your stool, which makesit naturally easier to pass. blackstrap molasses can even help other stomachand digestion ailments, such as stomach ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome and diarrhea. in order to use for stomach related issues,mix one to two teaspoons of blackstrap molasses into a cup of warm water. drinking this mixture before bedtime willhelp your digestive system to be ready to
work properly in the morning. 4. improves heart health blackstrap molasses can even help to controlheart related issues, such as palpitations, high blood pressure, high cholesterol andmore. this is because the molasses is high in potassium,iron, calcium and magnesium. all of these nutrients help to prevent yourbody from experiencing deficiencies that can cause heart palpitations. also, the potassium in the molasses helpsto lessen the affects of sodium on your heart.
blackstrap molasses also contains vitaminb6, which is able to help treat blood clotting. therefore, it helps to reduce the risk ofstroke and other cardiovascular issues. 5. combats stress a common vitamin that is recommended by healthexperts to improve your mood and ease the effects of stress is vitamin b. this vitamin is found in blackstrap molassesand therefore can help your brain and nervous system to function properly. it can also help you to feel relaxed, fightstress and fight fatigue.
when you are feeling stressed out, consumea spoonful of blackstrap molasses mixed into a glass of milk, or add to your favorite smoothie. 6. prevents cancer it is also believed that blackstrap molassescan also be used to prevent and treat certain types of cancer. this is because the molasses contains selenium,which helps your cells to defend themselves against cancerous cells. selenium can also help to protect your bodyagainst harmful contaminants, such as mercury,
cadmium and silver. it can also help to eliminate cancerous cellsand slow the growth of any tumors. 7. increases stamina and energy blackstrap molasses can also help to giveyou more stamina and energy. since it is made from sugar, it offers a temporaryenergy boost when it provides your body with carbohydrates that are converted into energyin your body. when you are feeling sluggish, or low in energy,add one tablespoon of blackstrap molasses to a glass of warm water or milk.
consume this mixture once or twice daily tomaintain your energy levels. 8. maintains strong muscles and bones blackstrap molasses also is high in calcium,which helps your body to strengthen your bones. one tablespoon of the molasses can provideyour body with over ten percent of your daily value of calcium. while daily exercise is equally important,adding one or two tablespoons of blackstrap molasses into your daily regime will onlybenefit you. 9.
improves sleep blackstrap molasses can even help to cureinsomnia, since it is high in calcium. calcium can help your body to produce melatonin,which helps your body to feel tired. the magnesium in the molasses is also a naturalnutrient that helps your body to feel tired. 10. maintains hair health consuming blackstrap molasses on a daily basiscan even improve your hair health, your hair growth and your hair color. along with consuming blackstrap molasses,you can apply it directly to your hair.
here’s how: mix 1 tablespoon of blackstrap molasses in1 cup of lukewarm water. apply it on your hair and scalp and let itsit for 15 minutes. shampoo your hair as usual. repeat 1 or 2 times a week. it is important that when you buy blackstrapmolasses, that you purchase only molasses that is organic and unsulfured. unsulfured blackstrap molasses is free ofsodium dioxide and therefore does not cause allergic reactions in your body.
now, we are curious. have you consumed blackstrap molasses forany of these reasons? do you plan to add blackstrap molasses toyour daily regime? comment below and let us know. if you have tried it, what was your outcome? if you are planning to add it to your diet,let us know what you think. if you like the video, give it a thumbs upand share it with your friends! for more recipes and tips, subscribe to thechannel!