medicinal herb plants

medicinal herb plants

in my earlier video on the mysticism on siddhaand ayurvedic herbs i talked about the ethno-botanical significance of plants. i just want to focusattention in this video on the importance of ethno-botanical mythology. ethno-botanicalmythology is very important and unfortunately we don’t practice ethno-botanical mythologyin life, or even in academic discussions. what do i mean by ethno-botanical mythology? every plant for that matter, whether it is in india, or europe, or anywhere else in theworld, africa including, they are living beings. they came to the earth plane before humanbeings came here and started living here. and they are high beings who decided to helpthe human beings. that’s why they take poison and live off of poison for instance, the plantstake carbon dioxide and thrive with that,

and they are so dedicated.these beings are dedicated to human life, the preservation of human life. they are notonly just food sources, but also they have medicinal properties to heal the diseasesof people, but we do not pay attention to the beings. and i began to know about it,not…i knew about it for some time but not extensively until say for a year. and it allhappened when i started putting my attention on agastiya. agastiya is said to be the fatherof all of the herbs in all galaxies. and he has a light body and with that lightbody hegoes everywhere, and he even teaches the gods, and goddesses about the properties, in differentgalaxies as well, the properties of the herbs. you know, let me tell you a very interestingstory. i think i briefly mentioned it in my

earlier video, and i also want you to lookat that. about a few months ago when i was in indiaa particular plant was revealed to me by agastiya, and the plant is called in tamil “nithyakalyani”.it’s an evergreen, ever auspiscious plant which is considered as… who is considereda woman, and who is an ever auspiscious bride. this part i have mentioned in my earlier i am going to show you that plant here, and this is the plant. it is called a periwinkle,and when this plant was introduced to me, it was not just as a plant. it was introducedto me as… actually as the essence of the plant was put inside, which lies in the root.and the root was identified in a … you cannot go and just pick up any root. you have togo and select the root which goes in a certain

direction. the roots go in different directionsbut you have to go and take the root, and before collecting the root what you do isyou do… a ceremony to the plant. and then in the ceremony the person prays to the plant:“i am going to kill you, and it will be a sacrifice on your part, i know.” thentreat it like a person, and then get the consent of this herb, and this is quite a big processinvolving a ceremony. and after that he will have to go and dig up many plants and haveto find out the root that goes in a certain direction. it could be north, or south, oreast or west. and then he does chants to empower the roots. it is the chants that make theroots powerful. there are some phonemes, or mantras that arechanted to the root. then after that they

put it in a bracelet like this, and you havea bracelet, this is one of the 54 herbs inside this what happens? what is the difference between the herb and the plant. this herb in it {thebracelet} is very powerful, more than the plant. the way to preserve it involves methodologieswhich are kept secret by those people who are involved in harvesting the plant for spiritualpurposes more than medical use. so this herb, the goddess of the herb, periwinkle,lives here and she will live forever. and why is it so important that i am talking aboutperiwinkle? because recently after i started using this herb, the plant, the herb was talkingto me, and then said: “do you know about my secret?” you know, it is a constant revelationthat is happening. “i am the one who is

inside the vinblastine.” vinblastine isan alkaloid compound that is used in chemotherapy. this vinblastine goes and kills the cancercells. there’s a lot i want to talk about it. how they found out about the vinblastinefrom this plant. i am not going to go into it. if you want to go and do your own researchyou are very welcome to do that. it’s a very fascinating one. the reason why i amsaying this is the plants are important, more important than the dharba juice from the plant,like the chemicals, the chemical properties, even more important is the goddess behindthe herb. for instance, after i started working withthe goddess, i just went and picked up different kinds of periwinkle. there is a vinca minorwhich has a shorter plant than the vinca major.

vinca major, and vinca minor, both belongto the periwinkle family. it’s an amazing herb. it is an amazing herb. to work withthe goddess is even more important. so i might seem very strange and stupid, by rational,and scientific standards, but then i have to be true to the ethno-botanical mythology.and after all, you know, the plants have their life, have a life. they are living beings,but they can also understand your thought there are…and i recommend you to go and look at videos by dr. cleve davis, andthen he talks to the plants as well. as a matter of fact i just remembered that wordsworthwas able to communicate with periwinkle. you know, you just say wordsworth and periwinkle.he was a nature poet. and he also said “one

impulse from a vernal word can teach moreof man than all sages can.” this is wordsworth. “one impulse from a vernal wood can teachall of man more than all sages can.” and russo also was in touch with the can go on, and on, and on. but agastiya said this is one of the thingsthat you should work with because you have a relationship with this plant. then i beganto understand because i always have been obsessed with finding a cure for cancer because myfather died of cancer, and he had a very, very painful death. and now…then only lateron i began to know that vinblastine which is the alkaloid which is being used to killthe cancer cells was mysteriously found, discovered under strange circumstances, and i want youto go and do the research for yourself.

now, the goddess behind the herb is very important.and traditional siddha medicine; siddha medicine is older than ayurveda medicine, because theyperfected ayurveda, and the later day siddhas perfected ayurveda, and then it became thesiddha medicine. and they are very particular about, - i am not putting down ayurveda atall, ayurveda is a great medicine and then they overlap each other too. okay? now, nobody practices ayurveda or siddha.they all talk about the goddess and the mantras that make these herbs powerful because itis very difficult, because i will tell you why – if you want a medicine from, say,periwinkle, because the leaf can be used as well as in, i think it is in jamaica wherethey use tea out of it, and then the flowers

are used, and then the roots are also usedfor medicinal purposes in traditional culture. it is also available in africa, so it’ssometimes called the madagascar periwinkle, or plant. they all had traditional use, butno one knew about the goddess and the importance to pray to the goddess and ask the goddessto sacrifice on behalf of you, so that the plant can live, the plant’s power can livein the chemicals – that’s a great concept. the reason i started out talking about whyit cannot be initially practiced by the yogis and rishis, for instance, you want a cancer medicine fromperiwinkle, and it has to be custom-made for you. that’s very, very difficult. that meansthey have to match your energy with the energy of the plant; the energy of the plant keepschanging on a daily basis, they have to match

it for your energy, and then go and do likeharvest the plant. that means it’s a very expensive proposition. so, you have to employ someone who studiesyour energy by looking at your own birth star and horoscope etc. and also he has to waitfor the right time for the planet to have the energy that is right for you, and thenyou should start doing all these ceremonies and then get the plant – chant the mantrasthat are good for you, and then that means you cannot commercially produce it. so, that’s the reason why, even in traditionalayurveda and siddha, they have dropped all that. you know, i don’t blame them, butthen there are ways of doing it differently,

more or less following the rules prescribedby the siddhas and rishis of ayurveda, and still keep the power of the goddess to stayin the chemical. now, i started nambu botanicals, especiallyfor this reason. i have compromised; there is no doubt about it because it’s been commercialized.but when i compromised, i did not compromise one factor at least, i.e., the phoneme forthe plant which it keeps the energy, because the sounds don’t die, that’s why theyare called deathless. the sounds are deathless.“akshara.” they have the ability not to die; when theydie, they lose their energy. so i made it a point that all these things have to be,-at least this sound element has to be kept alive within the herbal powder which is inside,so that a person who uses it also gets the

benefit of it. so, that i did not want tocompromise. but down the road i will… as nambu botanicals grows, then we will be ableto incorporate more elements prescribed by the siddhas and yogis to keep the herbs, i want to talk about 2 herbs, which have become very popular in our century all overthe world, and one is the turmeric; go everywhere, turmeric is there. every herbal shop thereis turmeric and also there has been tremendous amount of research done on turmeric from cancerto infection, and all kinds of things, and i am not going to get into the medical research– you can go and do your own research but since i am more an ethno-botanical mythologist,i would focus attention only on turmeric and another herb, which is the holy basil theenglish name is; the sanskrit name is brinda

and the tamil name is tulsi, or tulasi intamil. let’s first talk about turmeric. and turmericis used for so many ceremonies, religious ceremonies. so they put turmeric water andbathe a particular god or goddess, and then they drink the turmeric water, you know, asa medicine. this is done even today; even in temples in america you can see that happeningwhen they pour the turmeric water on the deity and then they drink it. it has tremendousamount of healing power, it is even today practiced. and it is also practiced on allauspicious occasions. and when people get married, the woman gets a turmeric root toreplace the ring because the turmeric functions as a spiritual symbol; it is just not a deadsymbol, it is a very live symbol to keep the

relationship to go turmeric is also a relationship herb. so that is the one that can help about atleast 20, 30 ailments, and they are all found in both ayurvedic and siddha literature. themost important thing that i have done is just to empower it with phonemes, so that the poweris not lost, even after the herb is harvested and turned into powder. the powder carriesthe power because of the phonemes, and i didn’t want to compromise on that. at least thatmuch i can do. the other one is tulsi with the holy basil,which they call love and grace. it carries the love and grace label on nambu botanicals.and elsewhere i told the story, i am not going to repeat it. it promotes love, it promotesconjugal love.

it also is a symbol of gender relationshipand fidelity, and fidelity is the important theme. because it’s a very important herbfor relationship and love in the 21st century where, you know, there is constant problembetween men and women in keeping up old values like chastity, fidelity, and being confinedto one partner, all these things are obsolete these days. but this herb is a promoter ofthis because the goddess behind it is brinda, who became the plant, and then we made sureagain that the power is preserved within the powder by giving the appropriate phonemes.the phonemes were selected by me and then given to these 2 plants. and then as we goalong, i will talk more about other herbs that we are planning to do. and this is myfavorite one; what i can do is because cancer

is a concern for most people, especially,you know, when you are growing old, because of the immune system is not that strong, everyoneis prone to cancer. and just, you know, when i hold this planti can see the power of the goddess and her willingness to help us. so we are going toalso, in the future, produce some… you know, i have not decided what to do with this andthen we definitely would have periwinkle included in nambu botanicals list. and in the meantime,you can buy this; it’s a very inexpensive plant that’s available in the summer time,and then i just keep it in my bedroom, so that i can be friends with her, and then gether energy, and then this is one that can give you a lot of health benefits.god bless.