medicine herbs and their uses

medicine herbs and their uses

hey guys, dr. axe here, doctor of functionalmedicine, nutritionist. in this video i'm going to share with you my top seven homeremedies to cure a cold fast. i know when you have a cold there is nothing you wantto do more to get rid of it really quickly. so what i'm going to share with you rightnow could help you eliminate your cold in 24 hours or less, if you follow it i'm going to go over my top seven home remedies along with a few diet tips here overthe next couple of minutes. the first thing you should start doing ifyou want to kick a cold fast is start consuming echinacea. in fact there are studies showingthat echinacea can help you cut down your cold and flu time by more than 50%, cut itdown by a whole day and a half.

so echinacea is very, very effective. so iwould find a good echinacea supplement, starting using that right away. the second thing is elderberry or elderberrysyrup. elderberry syrup is load with antioxidants, vitamin c and immune boosting again, elderberry extracts or elderberry syrup is the best of the best. and when you're buying elderberry syrup lookfor a brand that doesn't really have much added sugar or any added sugar, it shouldjust be, black elderberry syrup is the best thing you can consume and actually of allthe things i'll talk about that elderberry syrup maybe the most effective.

this third thing you need to get in and ifyou want to cure your cold fast is vitamin c. i recommend a 1,000 mg, five times a day,and vitamin c improves circulation, boosts your immune system. there are so many studiesout there showing that vitamin c is highly effective. i'd look for a natural brand, a quality brandwhen you're getting that vitamin c, but again, a 1,000 mg, five times a day of vitamin cis highly effective. the fourth thing you want to consider doingin order to kick a cold fast is getting some garlic. now you can do garlic capsules but,i found the most effective thing to do is actually simply bite down on a garlic cloveonce or twice and then swallow it or cut it

up in small little pieces and then swallowit. you typically don't want to swallow the wholeclove without biting into it or without cutting it because then those compounds aren't releasedas well in your system, and garlic contains a compound called allicin which is a naturalantiviral, natural antibacterial and antifungal. so garlic will actually kill off the bad bacteria,the virus and the fungus in your system, helping your body heal quickly. the fifth natural remedy you should consumewhen you're wanting to kick a cold fast is oregano oil. if you've heard of oregano oil,also called oil of oregano, oregano is one of the most powerful essential oils in theworld that can help naturally heal your body.

and again, oregano is similar to garlic isgoing to help kill off the viruses, the bacteria, the parasites, those things in your body thatare causing you to be in the disease state. so again, oregano oil, what i typically recommendis about four to five drops in water, three to four times a day, drinking that right downwith a big glass of water is the way you're going to want to use oil of oregano. the sixth thing you want to do is add in we talked about vitamin c earlier as a vitamin, well the best mineral for boostingyour immune system is zinc. so i'd recommend a 100 mg of zinc, probably 50 mg twice dailyof zinc. zinc can really naturally boost your immunesystem, supports your gut health, but the

big thing is it's going to support that immuneresponse in your system. so, getting some zinc in. and last but not least, along with zinc isconsuming apple cider vinegar. i recommend two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar inyour water three times a day, and apple cider vinegar has a cleansing and detoxificationbenefits. in fact, i mentioned this earlier, echinacea.when you do echinacea along with apple cider vinegar, both of those improve lymphatic drainageand that's part of what the issue is, if you have a cold or flu you may notice that yourlymph nodes are swollen. and when you can start doing the apple cidervinegar and the echinacea both, that's going

to really improve and speedup your lymphaticdrainage, and that's how for some people, if you don't follow these tips i've give you,you may have the symptoms of a cold anywhere from three days to two weeks. if you can follow these tips i've given you,it may cut it down to 24 hours or probably at the max it will cut down your total coldand flu time by a lot of times, by 75-80%. you're going to be feeling better that muchfaster. so remember those seven home remedies if you'relooking to cure cold fast. they're just some good home remedies and in terms of diet, eliminatethe sugars and grains. i recommend a real vegetable soup every single day and ideallyin the crock-pot.

what i'd do is actually get chicken brothalong with vegetables and a little bit of chicken. go ahead and do that, along withsome citrus fruits like an orange or grapefruit or lemon throughout the day. but pretty much, i'd consume those steamedor those slowly cooked vegetables and chicken in the crock-pot so we'll have real vegetablesoup every meal along with maybe like one orange for breakfast. if you do that along with those seven homeremedies you are going to cure that cold really, really quickly. hey guys if you want to learn more to howto cure cold fast, hey, check out some of

the other articles we have on i'vegot a whole natural remedies tab that really goes over how to cure and remedy pretty muchany health condition you could think of. i want to say guys, hey, thanks so much forwatching this episode of "how to cure cold fast."

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