herbal medicines and their uses

herbal medicines and their uses

hello my name is billy and this is freddy.we are today at sanh hoa long clinic herbal pharmacy. we are located at 217 center street.our phone number is 212-274-8226. today we are going to talk about it is the chinesename. the translation of is tangerine peel. basically we use this to regulate any stagnationof the tangerine in the stomach or stomach pain and this is a very good herb that helpsregulate the and also a lot of people use this for cooking and in soups and also fordessert. it also has a strong aromatic effect to open up sinus congestion and open up thenasal passages. you can steep it besides it is in a formula you can steep it by itselfin the tea and just inhale the vapors until it opens up any stagnation you might havelocated in the nasal passage and we will be

right back.

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