plant cure

plant cure

welcome back to my grow i got my jars and im ready to cure .i'm going to fill up these jars halfway. and i'm going to put the lid on top but i'm not going to tighten them. these flowers may feel dry but there is still moisture inside them. moisture causes mold and degrades thc. the cure is going to help completely dry the buds. completely dry the buds. i like to burp my plants within the first ten hours because this is the time where they really sweat and give off moisture.i also like to use a little fan to aerate my jars but this is just something i like to do and it works for me .

now i'm just going to put the lids back onand tighten them down. and im going to let these flowers rest in the dark for the next twenty-four hours. after 24 hours i'm going to open up the jars. and im going to rotate flowers inside thejar gently. im going to leave the jars openand i'm going to let them rest for the next 45 minutes. now i'm going to close the jars tightly and let them sit in the dark for another 24 hours its been 48 hours so i'm going to repeat the process. im going to open the jars and move the flowers around inside the jars.

im going to leave the jar so pen for a bit before closing them up for the next 24 hours. these plants have been cured for eightdays and they are looking delicious. the flowers on plant number one are darkgreen, nice and compact. lots a red hairs it kinda smells likebanana peels and citrus. the flowers on plant number twoour little airy, not as tight as plant number one the small like citrus , mango orsome kinda tropical fruit. and now comes.. my favorite part of the whole grow i get to use my brand new acsent vaporizer made by davinci

this thing is the real deal. i made avideo on this so if you wanna to check that out click right there the final weights are plant number one you yielded 54 gramsstemmed and dried. plant number two yielded sixty ninegrams although i left out a pretty fat now so it'sprobably closer to 71 this is the final video of the grow series. wanna thank you for subscribing and commenting if you haven't subscribed please do. if you like the video, click like!


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