medicine for plants

medicine for plants

one native american tribe named cherokee,which lives in the southeast part of the u.s, believed that the almighty creator gave thema gift of preserving and understanding medical plants. they believed a lot in the healing propertiesof the natural medical herbs. they gathered the plants with a special technique,picking every third plant they found because, in that way, enough specimens will remainin order to keep up propagate. so, take a look at the 11 plants commonlyused by this tribe: 1. blackberry.

cherokee used blackberry for treating almosteverything, including an upset stomach, strengthening the immune system, cancer prevention, improvingdigestion, and better heart functioning. by making a tea of its root, this tribe healedswelling of joints and tissues. and if you make a decoction from its roots,thus sweetened with maple syrup or honey, you will get great syrup for treating cough. chewing the blackberry leaves can soothe bleedinggums. blackberries an amazingly nutritious becausethey are rich in vitamins a, c, b6, e, k, riboflavin, thiamine, folate, and mineralssuch as iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, zinc, and phosphorous.

2. buck brush (hummingbird blossom). cherokee used this plant for the healing offibroid tumors, cysts, mouth/throat problems, and inflammation. in addition, they mainly used hummingbirdblossom in order to stimulate kidney function, but it was also used in the treatment of enlargedlymph nodes, hemorrhoids, inflamed tonsils, enlarged spleens, and menstrual bleeding. in order to get all healing benefits of thisplant, they put the flowers and the leaves in boiling water for 5 minutes, and then drinkthe tea while it’s still hot.

3. cattail. the cherokee tribe considered this plant asa preventative medicine and they used it as a digestible food for recovery from each illness. almost each part of the plant (except itsseed heads) can be used for medicinal purposes. its root can be prepared like potatoes, mashedor boiled for treating sores and burns. the seed down from its flowers is used fordiaper rash in babies in the treatment of skin irritation. 4.

greenbriar (pull out a sticker). the leaves and stems of this plant are richin numerous minerals and vitamins while its roots are high in starch and they can be usedlike potatoes. although its root has a strange and harshtaste, it’s rich in calories. cherokee used this plant as mild diureticand a blood purifier in the treatment of urinary infections. its leaves might be put in a tea to heal arthritis! its berries might be eaten as jam or raw. 5.

mint. being a very popular herb, mint is commonlyused in tea because of its numerous antioxidant properties. it possesses phosphorus, magnesium, potassium,vitamins c,a, calcium, and fiber! the cherokee used the leaves of this plantcrushed as cold compresses, or made into ointments, or even added in the bath to calm down anditchy skin. moreover, they used a mixture of leaves andstems in order to reduce high blood pressure. 6. mullein.

this herb soothes chest congestion and asthma. if you inhale the smoke from burning mulleinleaves and roots, it will calm your lungs. this plant is exceptionally useful in soothingthe mucous membranes. due to its anti-inflammatory features, itcalms the irritated and painful tissue and joint. mullein flowers are used to prepare tea thatcontains a lot of mild sedative effects. 7. qua lo ga (sumac). each part of this plant might be used formedicinal purposes in the treatment of diarrhea,

sore throat, and fevers (by making a decoctionfrom the bark). in addition, if you want to get rid of poisonivy rash, you need to crush the leaves into an ointment. and if you add this plant into your dailydiet, it will help you to lower cholesterol levels. 8. big stretch (wild ginger). a tea made of the root of this plant was usedby cherokee in order to improve digestion, intestinal gas, colic, and upset stomach.

a stronger tea from its root can even removelungs secretion. you might use rootstocks from this plant insteadof regular ginger and its flowers for flavoring your favorite recipe. 9. jiddu unigisdi (wild rose). the fruit of this plant is high in vitaminc and is a great healing remedy for flu and cold. the cherokee made a tea out of wild rose hipsin order to stimulate kidney and bladder function. you can even try to make a decoction fromits root to treat diarrhea.

10. squirrel tail (yarrow). being known best for its blood-clotting features,the leaves of this plant (fresh or crushed) might be put to open wounds in order to preventexcess bleeding. the juice of this plant, when mixed with springwater, might stop intestinal illnesses and internal stomach bleeding. its leaves can be used for tea in order tohelp in proper digestion and stimulate abdominal functions. a decoction of its stems and leaves can helpclear up your acne.

11. kawi iyusdi (yellow dock). the cherokee used this herb in their cuisinesbecause it’s quite similar to spinach. but, it possesses a lot more minerals andvitamins because of its long roots gathers nutrients from deep underground. its leaves rich in iron and might be usedas a laxative. in order to treat diaper rash, minor sores,and itching you can make a juice decoction out of its stems.

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