herbal plants for medicine

herbal plants for medicine

tom o brien here master herbalist at empowering medicine, today talking to you about turmeric. a great healing herb and healing food. if your interested in herbs follow me, subscribe to his channel and be guaranteed weekly content mostly on the healing and health benefits of herbs and food and some aspects of my day to day life in some blog from time to time. but today is a sunny day, its spring, and we've just celebrated the easter rising and i just realized thisis partly to colour in our flag and so something that we need is a bit of orange, embrace the orange within, we need the greens, lots of greens and whites not in the form of milk, but maybe almond milk, we need to embrace the orange, an amazing powerful indian herb, dating back thousands of years, has been used for healing and preserving food

and i am going to talk to you about the 12 health benefits of turmeric. fantastic orange colour, its slightly astringic bitter taste, but a powerful powerful food called a superfood, but its it's a real food and real food nurture, cleanse and heal, thats what real food does, the rest is just filling space, making you feel good, but its not necessarily cleansing, detoxing and boosting your vitality preventing disease. number one is cancer. cancer affects many people today 30,000 people are diagnosed a cancerevery year in ireland. and that's huge - thats a lot of familiesaffected by the stress cancer. and research into the active ingredient of turmeric, curcumin has demonstrated its effects

against certain tumours, heart disease another major cause of death in ireland, turmeric has been studied and found to be effective in helping to maintain heart health, in particular preventing the build-up of plaque and reducing clot formation turmeric is also creditedwith reducing blood pressure and other key factor in cardiovascular health turmeric has been found to be effective in speeding up wound healing. its very simple to make an external paste can be applied to wounds by adding water into the turmeric and making a simple paste applying it externally its anti-bacterial, anything that is antibacterial, is good for our health. it's like a natural antibiotic attacking those bacterias that are causing sickness and illness. its been used for thousands of years as a food preservative.

alzehimers and related dementia issues affects up to 32,000 people in ireland every year. and as the population ages this is going to increase. and turmeric can help to reduce the impact of these diseases, as it reduces the development of these diseases, its the anti oxidant and anti-inflammatory effects of curcuminthat works in the prevention of alzheimer's and parkinson's, a lot of diseases are diseases of inflammation and any herb or food and reduces inflammation isgoing to prevent these diseases developing and promoting good health turmeric also helps to prevent the development of inflammatory bowel diseases around 20,000 people every year suffer from crohn's disease and inflammation diseases of the bowel.

psoriasis, another skin condition another inflammation disease, linked to diet and stress but curcumin in turmeric is anothereffective way of addressing this again used topically using the paste of turmeric simple a bit of water and turmeric applied to the skin externally, i had psoriasis myself many years ago, i didn't know at the time so i hope this helps you. rheumatoid arthritis another inflammation up to40,000 people in ireland so rheumatoid arthritis too painful condition causedby the immune system attacking the joints the body's out of balance its inflamed. studies have shown that curcumin in turmeric, is effective in reducing inflammation associated with arthritis turmeric has been used in the treatment of diabetes thousands of used in chinese and ayurvedic medicine

its estimated that around 200,000 people so far from diabetes in ireland, every year estimated the states spends around 350million in the treatment of diabetes is how much turmeric could we buy buy for 350 million peptic ulcers, a painful condition, turmeric has been found to be effecting in reducing the symptoms associated with peptic ulcers to reduce particularly the abdominal painassociated with peptic ulcers. irritable bowel syndrome another very stressful condition that affects a lot of people, according to one study involving 207 volunteers turmeric was effective in reducing the symptoms associated with irritable bowelsyndrome turmeric has been found to reduce the intoxication effects associated withalcohol this could be used in the

treatment of alcoholism or by people whosuffer from the effects of drinking too much if we can reduce the intoxicationassociated with alcohol we can also use to harm associated with drinking. contraindications and precautions particular people of bile ductobstruction is important not to take huge doses of turmeric, my recommendation is a teaspoon of turmeric in a glass of almond milk, daily. tell me what is your experience using turmeric, how do you like to use it? if you have enjoyed this video tell me what you think, comment in the comment box below share subscribe and like if you enjoyed this video i will see you in a video soon and i am going to have a turmeric milk.

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