healing plants

healing plants

this is eileen dey on behalf of expert villageand in this segment we'll talk about reiki and plants. well just like our little furryfriends can use reiki as well as our human counterparts, our plant life that's aroundus responds to reiki quite well. it's the same application. you can take both handsand surround the leaves of the plant and you hold for a minute to three minutes. it's alsoimportant to address all the parts of the plant whether that be the stalk, or the root.it's interesting to do a bit of research yourself and see what happens to the plants that youreiki and what happens to the ones that you don't. the one's that you reiki tend to growfuller, tend to live longer, you're infusing their cells and their structure with additionaluniversal life. it amplifies their own existence.

in our next segment we'll talk about reikifor space clearing.

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