five medicinal plants

five medicinal plants

alright this is john kohler with today we have another exciting episode foryou. we’re well into fall here and i’m stillgetting my fall garden planted out and growing for the season. got my lettuce bed. you guys probably can't see it, it’s rightnext door. you’ll probably see it in an upcoming shot. i’ve got this bed planted out on this sideand i got like about 5 other beds on the other side of the yard all planted out but todayi’m planted out another huge bed—this

bed is approximately 4 feet by about 16 feetlong and so this calls for a lot of plans. my lettuce bed actually has i think about104 plants in the same size bed. this bed, because i am planting a differentplant or crop, which is all of the—my leafy greens and brassica family plants, they'regoing to require a little bit different spacing like about 12 inch spacing is what squarefoot gardening calls for. i'm doing actually a diamond pattern insteadof a box pattern and i got between 14 inches in one direction and 11 inches in the otherdirection so i'm fitting 72 plants in this raised bed. i thought i’d share with you guys, you know,some of the special fertilizers that i’m

putting in to my bed, into my soil to growhigher quality and the most nutritious crops on the entire planet—but before i do, actually,i want to share with you guys the plants i’ll be planting in this bed. so i got 3 flats here, i'm only going to probablyuse like 2 flats, i'm going to pick and choose of these plants that i might have duplicatesof. but i'm going to go over all the differentkinds with you guys really quick. as you guys know, my channel is called growingyourgreensand it’s called growingyourgreens for a reason because especially in the winter timei want you guys to really focus on the leafy greens.

these are the crops that grow really welland they're the most nutritious foods in the entire planet. all these plants here are basically anti-cancerfactories, right? they're sitting out here in the sun, they'reabsorbing the sun rays, right, and they're producing all these plant metabolites. the plant metabolites is actually what theplant produces to keep itself healthy to prevent and defend itself from diseases and pests,the weather and all these kinds of things. but more importantly when you eat the plantsyou get those benefits and each one of these different kinds of plants produce little bitdifferent, you know, witch’s brew of these

helpful compounds. isothyocyanates is just one of these manycompounds. one of the discovered compounds—i'm surethere’s plenty of other undiscovered ones. my goal everyday is to eat 2 pounds of leafygreens and i'm easily able to do that in the winter time with all the greens i'm growingin my garden. so anyways let’s go over the different greensi’ll be growing this year in my garden here. heirloom kale, red russian, i love that guya lot. it’s a really good performer. in some areas it will grow year round.

i’ve got 12 of those guys. over here we got some more leafy greens. this is the heirloom kale lacinato also knownas black kale, tuscan kale, or dino kale. i’ve got a bunch of those guys here. i’ve got like 3 six packs, i don't knowif i’ll be planting all those guys in here. and i got one six pack of the georgia collards. oh, i did want to mention—the dino kale,that’s also another really good performer. that will grow in the summer here, also thewinter here. so if you only had to pick one kale, i’dpick the dinosaur kale.

it’s like the most resilient one i found. going over to collard greens, if you had topick only one kind of collard greens i’d pick the georgia collards, they're more heatresistant. actually, i have some that i think i actuallyover-summered, because the summers here are quite hot. i’ve had plants go on the entire summer,georgia collards. i grow all these for the leafy greens althoughthese plants will also go to flower and set seed which are also edible. the next category of plants i'm growing, mostlyfor the flours but also the greens.

the greens on all these guys are all edible. up next here we got some cheddar cauliflower. i love the cheddar cauliflower a lot. it grows the cauliflower but instead of growingthe white head it grows a brilliant, cheddar cheese colored cauliflower. so it’s like, yellow-orangeish color. really cool. i want to encourage you guys besides justeating phytonutrient rich foods like the leafy greens here, you also want to eat highly pigmentedfoods.

instead of eating something white, you know,like a white chocolate—that was a bad example, but i really want you guys to focus on foodsof color, right? there’s new emerging research that has alreadycome out, has been published, and studies that have yet not to be published and notto come out yet but the phytonutrients are probably in my opinion one of the most importantnutrients in the food and especially when you're eating all these refined process foods,white flower, white sugar, white vinegar, right, all these foods have all these beneficialpigments processed out of them, and then much of the beneficial properties of the food goesdown the toilet, in my opinion. so that’s why i'm growing some really richand colorful foods in my garden to do the

exact opposite. this is actually long island brussel sprouts. i don’t generally get the brussel sproutshere, the brussel sprouts and the stalks everybody always wants but i don’t really care becausethose guys actually, i grow for the immature buds. maybe i grow also in addition, for the leaves. so i don’t care if i don’t get the brusselsprouts, what i'm used to in the store, all the brussel sprout plant produces is leaves,copious amounts of leaves that i just eat like collards or kale or cauliflower leavesor broccoli leaves which all have very similar

nutrition for you guys. of course, next we got some more stuff. we got that cauliflower rainbow mix. so this probably has the white, the cheddar,and the purple cauliflower in there. like that a lot. let’s move this guy over here. and then also i got these guys. we got graffiti cauliflower. look at the picture on there.

this is like a nice purple, rich colored cauliflowerso once again, you know, i want you guys to eat the foods of color. there’s been some special research regardingpurple foods. the research was done with purple carrots. they fed rats purple carrots along with junkfood. and then they fed another set of rats, justthe junk food alone and the rats eating the purple carrots with the junk food either didnot gain weight and/or lost weight, whereas the animals eating the junk food gained theweight. now, i'm not saying that you know, eat purplehigh antioxidant rich foods like purple carrots

and then eat junk food—why even eat thejunk food whatsoever? so ij ust like to eat the deep rich purplepigemented foods such as purple carrots, purple cauliflower, purple broccoli, blueberries,blackberries, without the junk food, right, to get the benefits of those guys becausethey probably help keep you slim and also help keep you healthy. and over in this bunch we got just the standardpurple cauliflower, so i'm not sure if that’s different from the graffiti variety that youguys just saw. of course we got one last six pack here we’regoing to go over really quick. now i'm also growing the broccoli, right?

i think it’s sad how cauliflower and broccoliare grown for the immature flower buds. that’s what they're known for. you go to buy broccoli or cauliflower in thestore and you get the immature flower buds that you know are just the flower, that you'regoing to eat. this is sad because people will not use theleaves of these plants. the leaves of these plants can be eaten justlike a kale or collard green. in some instances, in my opinion, they'reactually more delicious and sweeter than the kale and collard greens. so as long as these guys are growing, they'reproducing leaves, i can harvest these leaves

to put in juices, add to smoothies, make kalechips or broccoli leaf chips or cauliflower leaf chips or brussels sprout leaf chips. to me it’s all the same. like, greens are greens and i want to getas many of these guys into me as possible and i love the winter time because i can dojust that and also because it’s so cold out, the plant makes additional sugars andputs them into the leaves so they're actually sweeter. so if you're eating kale out of your summergarden, you're like, man that kale stuff john, that sucks, it tastes bad, i'm not going toeat it.

right? try it again, give it another chance and growit in your winter garden when it’s cold because this will make the sugar come outand they're going to taste so much better and i'm going to get you to be a lover ofkale, alright. so here we got the broccoli early dividend. another thing i want to encouraged you guysto do is to plant different varieties of the crops, right? i'm growing not just like all white cauliflower,i got graffiti, i got purple, i got cheddar, i got a rainbow mix and the same with thebroccoli.

i got the early dividend here, we got anotherearly dividend because i like my cauliflower like i like my women—early. no, wait, that didn’t make sense. i like the early broccoli so i have some broccolileaves sooner rather than later in the season. i got two six packs of those and i got someenglish violet broccoli. never seen this variety before, i'm glad theyhave this as a start so i was able to buy it. i do want to say that i'm actually quite luckyto have the availability of all these plants and all the unique and different varietiesbecause i know if you only have one nursery

or something near you, you go to that nursery,whatever they got, they got and that’s what you get. so i know some of you guys still buying bonnieplants from home depot and lowe’s and all this stuff, i buy those when i don’t haveany other options but i prefer to go to a local nursery where i’ve gotten some ofthese or the majority of these plants actually came from cpg plant nursery. if i remember, i’ll post a link down below. they're in southern california. i basically buy around 500 plants this lasttrip and this is the last major bunch that

i will be planting out in the garden. i got some stragglers, like two more flatsleft. but yeah, i'm glad that they really grow awide variety so you guys can have a nice selection of different plants and see which ones dobetter, grow better for you and also which ones you like, are tastier for you. this one is actually called the broccoliniaspa brock. so i never grew this before, it’s goingto be fun to see how it does. and of course, along with my purple cauliflower,i got some purple sprouting broccoli. i really like the foods of color and i wantto really encourage you guys to grow like

purple colored foods. they're the bomb. alright. i think the last bunch—yeah i think thisis it. i got the broccoli cauliflower romanesco,this is kind of a mixture between the two. so what’s going to happen is, i'm goingto go ahead and select, two flats of all these, maybe not take out the doubles. and then i'm going to plant like all theseintermixed in this bed here and i’m going to get probably planted out, get a good starton it, plant a bunch out, and then i'm going

to come back at you and show you guys howi plant these guys and more importantly, the special fertilizer that i use to already takethe high levels of phytonutrients, phytochemicals, vitamins and minerals in these plants theyalready produce to the next level. so as you guys can see, more than half thebed planted out in this bed. i got basically five rows, one, two, three,four, five, they are all offset, so they're not even, they're making a diamond pattern. going down this direction between this plantand this plant, there’s 14 inches and then going diagonally between plants, there’sabout 11 inches. so i kind of like this spacing, it just kindof allows me to get more plants in the bed

with you know, little bit more space betweenthem. normally you would want to space your brassicaplants every 12 inches or so. i like to kind of put them a little bit closerso i can get more plants in the same space. in addition as you guys can see there’sa lot of extra space in between the plants still. i'm going to go in and either probably seedwith some kind of intermediary plant in between while these guys get big so i can easily get—harvesta radish, for example in between the plants and maybe i might do something like carrotseven, in between, some nice root vegetables in between, to maximize my space.

i could put some kind of leafy green downin the bottom, maybe some kind of minor’s lettuce. better even, mosh or moshe. i think i’ll do that actually, i love mosh. but anyways, i got that planted out. what i thought i’d do next is actually sharewith you guys how i'm planting these guys out… as you guys can see, i got all thesestakes so you know, the first step of clearing this bed—it had peppers in it so i clearcut them down. i just cut to the stems and left all the rootmatter underneath and i leave them there.

that’s my new practice now, to encouragemore soil micro-biome and life in the soil. unless they get in the way when i'm diggingmy new planting holes, they stay in the ground and just get to rot in place. actually, i’ve only ran into a few of themthrough this process. that’s kind of cool. it saves me work from having to you know,pull them up, shake them out, and compost them in my compost bin. they're just going to go ahead and compostin the bed where they lay. so as you guys can see, i basically put thesebamboo stakes and i actually do this elaborate

setup of making as tying from each end tothe other end and making little sticks to like space out each plant at the appropriatespacing. and you know it does take some time and thisis a way i’d like to garden, not saying you guys have to do this. i know a lot of you guys plant haphazardlybut i'm really here to produce the most amount of food in the smallest amount of space andby being more methodical it allows me to do just that. so if you want to see actually that process,be sure to check the link down below, if i remember, to a link of me planting this exactbed out of peppers, the same peppers that

i’ve clear cut, because i showed you guysfrom like a roof shot, like how i plant all this out and the whole process i go through. any case, once we got all the stakes in ibasically pull out one stake at a time and i basically take a bulb planter. and yes, i know i'm planting transplants,starts and not bulbs, but i like the bulb planter because it allows me to minimallydisturb the soil. most of you guys might dig a little shovelor trowel and dig a little hole or even your hand but i like that this gets in there becausethere’s just about the right size hole to plant from my jumbo six packs and everythingand i actually even have some electrical tape

on here to denote how deep i need to go sodon’t go too deep. so just put that in there and spin this babyaround, go to my depth, i pull out a nice core fo soil that’s in there and then igo to a bucket and i just tap it out and it’s empty, ready for the next one. then i got a hole that’s all ready to beplanted out. so the next thing that i do is actually stockthat hole with more nutrients. the other step that i didn’t mention actuallyis all this new layer on the top is all new compost mixture so i mix things like two differentkinds of worm castings, maybe three different kinds of compost, maybe three different kindsof rock dusts, john and bob’s soil products,

all three different ones that i have, andthen also put in like, oh, some biochar, some insect frass, just a mixture of all the differentthings i have laying around and mixed it all up. top this whole bed off, got some coconut coyerfrom the local coconut company, wonder soil. yeah but anyways, top this all off, and sothat’s what adds fertility to my soil. in addition, all the other compost that’sall in there that this bed is filled actually with doctor’s earth bagged soil which isa good high quality product. this product i would recommend if you can'tfind bulk stuff near you. it may be still available at home depot, ithink they might be getting clearance out

so it might be good to check your local homedepot and see if the stuff is on final clearance when it’s going to be dirt cheap and i'mjust going to load up if it is because i think they might be discontinuing it, i'm not sure. but anyways, yeah. top that off. but even then, you know, i want to add furtherfertility for my plants, especially my baby transplants as i plant them in so i add afew things. the first thing is, add some of this stuff. this is the dr. earth’s life fertilizerand this is an all purpose fertilizer.

it’s good for fruits, vegetables, floweringplants, shrubs, ground covers, and even your lawns. and i like that this stuff is actually pelatized. so i have had like the powder dr. earth stuffbut i find it gets very dusty very fast so i like basically just to stick my hand inhere and i just take a bunch out and just sprinkle a few bits into each planting hole. alright? and that adds lots of different nutrients. this is a 5-5-5 fertilizer and lots of differentorganic materials to add in but in addition

it also contains non plant food ingredientsincluding many different kinds of beneficial bacteria and more importantly mycorrhizae,humic acids, kelp, and all kinds of other nutrients for my baby plants to kind of getthem off to the right start. now besides that stuff i add something elseand i actually have decanned another product which i will talk to you about in anotherminute before i come back in this little bucket here which is actually the original one igot last year and this is a western biotech solutions gtf glucose tolerance factor soilconditioner—that’s what it says on the label but that’s not what’s in here. this is last year’s label.

i'm just reusing a container and encourageyou guys always to reuse instead of recycle. it’s better. so what i do is i empty some soil conditionersinto here and this is what it looks like. it’s basically in saw dust… and i takeone scoop of this stuff and i put it in each hole. and the scoop size i'm using is a level scoopsize of one teaspoon. now, why this step is important is becausethis adds specific amounts of very essential trace materials into the planting hole, intothe soil, for the plants to absorb so that then they could hold onto those plants, digestthese in organic minerals, turn them into

organic form so that when i eat the plants,i could get these very important trace minerals that in my opinion and based on research i’veread will help keep me healthy and disease free. and that’s very important because most peoplehave no clue about this and i'm going to go into a segment at the end of this, even getmore into it, so after i add those two items to the planting hole, i'm ready to plant myplant start. so what we got here is we got some red russiankale. how i'm doing this actually i'm planting inrows but they're diagonal rows so it’s going to look really cool.

i got all red russian kale in this side, thisrow, got some english violet broccoli in the next row, got their lacinato or tuscan kalein the next row, like all the way down so when it’s done it’s going to look reallycool or when it’s growing. so what we’re going to do is we’re goingto go ahead and take one of these little heirloom red russian kale plants, pop it out of thecell, got really nice roots in there in the bottom and so what i generally do is i goahead and take an empty bucket. this is basically the soil i topped off mybed with, i enriched it a little bit more, i’ll put this, i’ll go over here, i’lljust you know, tease out the roots like i’m teasing out the hair, if you're a girl inthe ‘80s.

and we get them kind of hanging out a littlebit and then i put this guys, which is a shaker bottle which is once again also reused. unscrew it and then i just shake a littlebit of this stuff on there while i’m like over my little bucket that has all my—thestuff that i topped of the bed with. once i shake that on there then i’ll govery carefully to the planting hole, maybe i’ll put a little bit of the stuff in thebucket in the planting hole and then i’ll drop these guys in there carefully. and then i’ll take my fingers and kind ofgo around and take out the airspace because the jumbo six pack size is a little bit smallerthan the bulb planter so we’re kind of making

sure all the soil is flushed near the bottom. and then we’re going to finally take likea handful of this stuff on the top and just spread it on the top. sometimes i’ll find on brassica plants likethese guys, they start to pop out, so they can be planted a little bit deeper and that’swhat we did and that’s basically how i planted. now you're probably wondering, john, what’sin this stuff right here? let me go ahead and show ya. so this is a mixture of several differentitems. i think i have like maybe—at least two thirdsof this shaker bottle is this stuff right

here. it’s actually known as the mycorrhizae granularmycorrhiza. so this has different kinds of endo and ectomycorrhiza, good for both vegetables and trees and i know what you're thinking right now—john,the brassica family of plants they don’t like colonizing with the mycorrhiza. well, that may be true but i'm also goingto be growing things in between these plants. plus i just want them in my soil to hang outfor next time. and also the other thing is, as much as thisis two thirds of this shaker bottle, i got some other things in there, so the remainingtwo thirds consist of a few things.

number one, the plant success siable premiummycorrhiza innoculent with beneficial bacteria, seaweed, and humic acids so that also getsthe remaining one third in here. i think i like that mainly for the beneficialbacteria. in addition i got the pure protein dry powder. also part of this. last two thirds. and of course i got the aqua sap. so i add these additional nutrients to reallygive the plants boost so that they don’t have as much shell shock or root shock ortransplant shock once they're planted back

in. iv’e actually already planted all the lettucesand a whole bunch of other stuff with the same mixture that i’ve been using for yearsand i’ve always been tweaking it over the years, this is my latest mixture and theyalways do really well. so yeah that’s how i plant them out. i guess next i need to actually plant therest of these out. then we’re going to come back at you, andlet you guys know why this saw dust stuff here, these trace minerals are probably oneof the most important agents of fertility you guys could add to your garden and probablyaren’t.

so as you guys can see me, behind me, i’vegot this raised bed all planted out, 72 plants, took me several hours, that was like today’sproject today, the sun is going down, it’s getting kind of cold. i really dislike when the days get shorteryou know, and the sun goes down earlier. so it just encourages me to get up early,get outside and do my gardening earlier before it gets too cold in the afternoon. anyways, i got my gardening done for today. last thing i got to do for this bit is puta little fence around it because otherwise my dog gets up in there and digs and leavesfootprints and poops, so, i’ll do that after

i shoot this video. but i want the come back at you, and let youguys know what was that sawdust like powder fertilizer that i was putting in? and i got my new shipment in of that stuffand what it is, it’s actually called the western biotech soil solutions. it says grow your own mineral supplements,and this is the master gardener pack soul conditioner. this pack right here isn’t for the faintof heart, right. this pack is like if you're serious aboutyour health and growing high quality food.

if you're not, turn off this video now becauseyou can continue do your free gardening style, right? i mean i want to tell you guys really quickwhy i'm so into gardening and growing food and growing not only just any old food butthe highest quality most nutritious food i possibly can. and that is basically because when i was inmy 20s, i had a life threatening illness known as spinal meningitis. i was hospitalized and my mom stayed by myside the whole time i was hospitalized. i was taken into an intensive care unit, iwas passed out, i woke up in intensive care

with all these ivs stuck inside me and youknow when you're sick in the hospital, you ask the doctor one question, ehy doc, whenam i going to g et out of here? and he gave me the answer no one wants tohear, no matter what age you're at. i was just graduated from college. he said, you might not make it out of here. and i thought about it for a second like… i'm like, whoa, this is not a good situation. i might not make it out of here, he’s likeyou have a viral version of the spinal meningitis and there is no medical treatment for you.

and that’s not something anyone wants tohear at any age. you know? and so that like, i was like, wow, this ismessed up, this is the last thing i'm going to see potentially, my life is inside thishospital and not get to experience life, not to use my college degree to the benefit ofanybody. or anything, or me, or anything. and so luckily, as you guys know, i made itout of that situation but i could not stay through the medical system. i could only stay through higher powers andthat’s what i like to say—i was given

a second chance and my second chance is inmy opinion, help thy fellow man. promises, prayed when i was in the hospitalthat if i make it out of there, i'm going to be a better person in this life and dothe best i can. so anyways, i made out of that situation andwhen i was leaving i said doctor, hey doc, why did i get in this situation in the firstplace? like why was i sick and none of my collegebuddies that i was playing broom ball with get sick? and he says, well you have what’s calledcompliment immune deficiency which basically—basically, in his words he says you have a chronicallyweakened immune system because of your genes.

so he blamed it on my genes. and so all i knew after i left is that john,you need to do something to make your genes stronger so that you don’t get sick again,you don’t get in the hospital and the doctor is not telling you again in another point,you might not make it out alive, because that’s not a fun place to be, right? the only thing i wanted when the doctor’stold me that is i just wanted my health. i didn’t want a million dollars, i didn’twant a billion dollars, i didn’t want to be president. i didn’t want anything except to have myhealth because i almost lost it.

and i think it’s really sad in this dayand age that we all take our health for granted. we all take being healthy for granted. i take being healthy for granted. i walk around without stomachaches, withoutall these different aches and pains like my brother who is a couple years younger thanme, you know? and it’s only in times when i make a videoand really think about it that i really appreciate the health that i have. but you know the health that i have did nothappen to me haphazardly, right? i’ve been working very judiciously for thelast 21 years now on building my health to

the next level. what’s in this box in my opinion can takeyour health to the next level no matter where you're at. so i learned at a young age that your healthis your greatest wealth and it’s not about making money in our world. it’s about having your life and not onlybeing healthy and living a long life but living a long, healthy productive life that you know,you're doing something worthy for worthy goals and making the planet a better place. a lot of people are not making the planeta better place and so i want to do my part

to make this planet better for the futuregenerations and my kids and their kids and their kids’ kids. so anyways, back to the soil solutions soulconditioner and why i think this is revolutionary in fertilizers. let’s go ahead and read the bottom—provideyour soil with proper bio available minerals needed to increase mineral uptake in the plants. so here’s the thing, as you guys know, youknow, i’ve put a lot of different nutrients in my soil, probably more than anybody i knowor have ever met. whether that’s an overkill or i'm overdoingit or i need to put that much stuff in—you

know that’s up to debate but once againthis is my money, and gardening is my hobby, and i can spend my money however i like. my dad said when i was kid, john you can takeall your money and taking pennies and throw it off the golden gate bridge for all i care,because he let us kids do with our money what we want. i believe by doing this, i'm making an investment. not investment into the us treasury or thebank of america or anything but investment in my health, which is my greatest wealthand the most—the thing that i have that is most dear and valuable to me!

so i would encourage you guys, you know, tomake your health first and yeah some of these things that i do may cost a little money butit’s going to grow a higher quality food which means you're going to be a higher qualityperson and you know, literally, in my opinion i'm buying myself out of getting sick in thefuture and that is priceless because i don’t want to go through all those pains and allthose things that people go through when they're really sick and in the hospital with cancerand cancer is eating their body and i don’t even want to know how painful that can be,right? and so up till now i’ve added things likethe rock dust and different kinds of rock dust, 5 different kinds of rock dust and differentkinds of rock dust with the trace minerals

because i know that trace minerals are superimportant. i put in soil humates, i had doctor joel wallack,i’ll put a link below to that video if i remember, you know, who has done all kindsof research on how important and vital trace minerals are to your health. and unfortunately with top soil degradation,the standard farming practices of today even organic farming practices, they're not replacingthe certain trace minerals in the soils like there should be. furthermore, with soil contamination of certaintrace minerals, other trace minerals may not be absorbed properly and things may not workin the system.

so i try to bring my soil back into balanceand add some of the trace minerals into the soil and that’s what i do with the rockdust. rock dust is kind of like a shot gun, right. i shot gun all the different minerals andi hope that my plants take the minerals they need to be healthy, plus i get to eat thatand be healthy. but still, it’s like playing poker. you're leaving many things up to chance, right? and i don’t want to leave things up to chanceas much as i'm—you know i have to. i want to really gamble and pull that slotmachine lever when i know i'm going to win.

well how do you know you're going to win? you can rig it. that’s what this stuff is, the soil conditioneryou know, you're kind of rigging the system instead of putting in all kinds of rock dustand hoping that certain trace minerals are uptake and when you eat those you're goingto get those in you. the soil solution products, what they allowyou to do, they allow you to spoon feed the plants certain minerals that then it converts,takes up, and then makes it by all available for us. furthermore, aside from just the mineralsthat’s taken up, because a plant may be

healthier, it may be producing a differentkind of plant metabolites which are nutrients so what i want to do now is actually openup this box and show you guys what’s inside. alright, in this box here, i’ve got somecool stuff. we’ve got a whole bunch of stuff. we got mainly the soil conditioner pack righthere and in this pack there’s basically a couple bags, maybe i think like six bagsof this fertilizer stuff. and this is the emotional wellbeing formulasoil conditioner. so what this formula is, it’s specificallyformulated with certain trace minerals that has been shown in people to be maybe deficientif you maybe don’t feel emotionally well,

so you can flip this over and there’s atotal like list of all the different minerals in there. so there’s like, 36 grams of boron, 225grams of calcium, 365 grams of magnesium, 360 milligrams of selenium, 3650 milligramsof lithium, 100 grams of sulfur, and the pine shavings. and so here’s the thing. you're thinking, john, i could get like youknow, boron from a supplement. well, number one, the supplement, you knowwhat you could take boron and other trace mineral supplements, the absorption rate isvery low and that’s not how we’re supposed

to get our minerals. we’re not supposed to be taking these mineralsupplements, we’re not supposed to be sucking on copper pennies to get our copper. we want to get copper from the foods we eatand that’s how we were designed to do it. the problem is, especially if things likeboron which may be deficient in soils across the world is not in the soils, the food that’sbeing grown in those soils will not have the boron in it. and so how do we know all these minerals arereally important—well, there’s this book that comes along with this pack.

it’s actually minerals and the genetic code,even if you're not going to buy this pack, i would encourage you to go on amazon andpick up this book so you can learn about how important these trace minerals are if youdon’t believe me. it says that an exposition an analysis ofthe doctor standard genetic period chart in the physical, chemical, and biological connectionby charles walters. but in here, he goes into all the differentminerals and how they're important for different conditions and also you know, more importantly,what specific plants take up these minerals. for example, iodine. iodine in my opinion is a big deficiency thesedays.

most people get it from eating some iodidesalt, but what if you don’t eat iodide salt because it’s that crap table salt that youcut out your diet—oh, i eat sea salt, john. you're not going to get enough iodine fromsea salt. maybe you’re eating sea minerals but otherthan that you know, things actually in here, it’s actually bladder wrack, it’s reallyhigh in iodine, pistachios, you know, it’s significantly lower in iodine than the kelpor bladder wrack. and then even going down from there, soy beans,red seeder shoots, yeah, anyways. it goes over all the different plants richin iodine which is actually significantly lower than the seaweed so i just recommendseaweed for that.

but pistachios could have 51 parts per millionso we’re talking like parts per million the kelp has 54 hundred parts per million. and so the thing is this, we know that pistachioscan absorb the iodine but the problem is if there’s not iodine in the soils the pistachiosain’t going to have it in there and this can be true for all minerals. so, that’s what this book goes over butlet’s get back to this right here. so you know certain plants will take up certaintrace minerals so you know they make recommendations on this formula. so for this formula, if you want to reallytake up boron and get more boron in your diet,

you want to grow things like strawberries,lettuce, tomatoes, and cabbage. if you want to get more calcium, the tomatoes,cauliflower, and dill will absorb more of the calcium. if you want to get the magnesium uptake, youwant to grow beans, oats, and spinach. if you want to get the selenium, seleniumis a very important trace mineral that i believe many people may be deficient in these days. you want to grow things like milk thistle,lemongrass, and pumpkin. if you want to get lithium, lithium is anessential nutrient, we want to grow thyme, beans, and lettuce, and if you want to getsulfur, very important, cabbage and onions

as well as the amazing tropical fruit nameddurian will take up a lot of sulfur. i think also garlic, garlic also rich in sulfur. but anyways, that lets you know what plantsto get those trace minerals but then here it has basically the mineral function—boron,calcium, magnesium, selenium, lithium. i could sit here, read all of it. i might read one for maybe the boron. boron appears to affect calcium and magnesiummetabolism and membrane function that is essential for efficient absorption of calcium in thebody. it was found by the us department of agricultureto significantly reduce the loss of calcium,

magnesium, and phosphorus in post-menopausalwomen. it may also be helpful for ischemic heartdisease and other forms of cardiovascular disease. boron deficiencies sign may be related tothe level of vitamin d and possibly other nutrients in the diet. deficiency systems—osteoporosis and arthritis. so if you are deficient in certain trace mineralsyou may be more likely to get diseases—they’ve done a lot of different studies regardingthat. so anyways this one is for the emotional wellbeing, so if you're having emotional well

being issues this is the one to get. let’s see here. we’ve also got one for the gtf, glucosetolerance factor. this is the one i used last year. if you want to learn significantly more thanwhat i'm talking about, these trace minerals than this episode, be sure to check that linkdown below where i interviewed robert rissingham regarding these products that he came up withand how he came up with it and why he came up with it—his parents actually had cancer,so he had to come up with a way so they could get the very important trace minerals so thatthey could overcome their cancer.

i guess he wasn’t able to get to one ofhis parents but he was able to save the other one as well as his wife’s parents. but this one is the glucose tolerance factor,i’ve been using this, and this one has chromium, vanadium, molybdenum, zinc, sulfur, and thepine shavings. you guys are like, try to get pregnant, youguys can't, right? then maybe you want to try this one—fertilityand potency formula. yeah, i want to be potent, man. you know what i mean by potent—does thatapply for women too? i think it’s mostly men.

chromium, potassium, iodide, calcium, magnese,selenium, cobalt, sulfur, and pine shavings. next one, this is the one actually i’vebeen using this year now, planting all my lettuce you can see behind me. with this formula, health and immune sstemformula, this is probably the most important one for me because i did have an immune compromise,i want to make sure my immune system is strong and it has the specific trace minerals tobuild my immune system. this one has boron, potassium iodide, magnesiumsilver, zinc, tin, and sulfur. got another one here. this is probably the largest killers of americansin this day and age and people around the

world is heart disease. this is heart, health, and cardiovascularformula. this has calcium, magnesium, selenium, copper,and sulfur. then i got one left in here. this is an important one for many of you guysmaybe getting up there, i think my dad needs to get on this one. this is the memory formula. and this is if you want to enhance your memory,maybe even things like certain diseases that you may lose your memory when you get older—magnesium,sulfur, boron, cobalt, selenium, and yttrium.

that’s an interesting one. when have you got your yttrium lately? anyways, each one of these formulas is specificallydesigned to support certain conditions so you can actually grow like your own medicine,literally, your foods, your fruits and your vegetables will uptake these trace mineralsand you’ll get them when you eat the foods that you harvested. now you might be thinking, john, why is allthis important man and how much is this stuff? well, i’ll tell you this. with the discount code, gyg, you guys get30 percent off to buy these guys and these

guys ain’t cheap—this whole box, it’llset you back a pretty penny. it might be a paycheck or even two for someof you guys. but each one of these bags after the discountcodes, it’ll be 100 dollars including shipping. but here’s the thing—this one bag of soilconditioner for the heart health and cardiovascular formula is going to treat one cubic yard sothe rich man’s way to use this is actually to treat a yard, you know, of soil with thisand then put it in your garden and plant in another way if you don’t want to, you know,mix it into a whole yard is you could actually till it into a 10 by 10 raised bed, 3 inchesdeep. you could also do it that way.

the way i do it, the rich man’s way, isspreading it out in your whole garden because you're not planting in every area of yourgarden unless you're having a forest style garden. the poor man’s way, the way i'm doing it,is actually ij ust take out one teaspoon of this stuff and then put it in each plantinghole. that’s why these bags are going to lastme for many years to come, and they’ll last. these will not evaporate or go bad or anythinglike that. but yeah, that’s this stuff. definitely really important.

i want to exactly show why it’s so importantand why i like using this and this is going to blow your guys’ mind, so let me go aheadand grab some paperwork. so here’s the thing, fruits and vegetablesand things, they’ll absorb these trace minerals if they're in the soil. in my opinion, you know, soils are gettingdevoid of minerals due to soil degradation due to unsustainable farming practices—yes,even organic farming is in many cases is degrading the soil because they're still tilling thesoil. so i like to do the no till method which preservessome nutrients and then they're bringing in compost but the compost is grown on last year’sremnants and whatnot, and if the trace minerals

aren’t in there, they're not going to magicallyappear unless you're getting heavy metal trace minerals from things that are falling outthe sky that i won't mention what they are because some of you guys believe in it andsome of you guys don’t, but anyways, the foods are deficient inn the minerals and ifyou're eating a mineral deficient diet, you may come down with health conditions. and that’s not fun. and i want to avoid these things and that’swhy i'm doing and adding all these things into my soil. anyways, here’s a test, right.

so this is the health and immune system formula,the one actually i just used for my—the lettuce bed right over there. this is certified lab testing results forboron. so boron may be a mineral you're deficientin. there’s many implications for boron, i couldread it on the back of the packages. i’ll send in a website for this company. you can read some of the different minerals,what they do, and how they can enhance their health. the company basically drew in a control bed,just regular soil.

they grew vegetables. and then they added in the same soil blend,they added their health formula, and then they drew the same vegetables. so here’s for example… they grew formulagrass and if you grew it in the health formula you could eat like one serving a week grassand if you just grew it in the control soil, you’d have to eat one, two, three, four,five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen servings of wheat grass. so you can have significantly more nutritionin less volume of food. so for broccoli you could get the trace mineralsby eating one head you know, if you added

the health formula instead of two heads fornot doing anything. and beans, it’s one serving of beans insteadof 3 servings of beans. so what’s the benefit to this. the benefit to this is actually you couldeat lower calories to get the same amount of trace minerals. so calories for the health formula, you couldeat 140 calories versus 413 calories. so you could eat significantly less caloriesand calorie restriction has been the only thing that has been shown—proven to enhancethe longevity so now you can eat less calories but still maintain and get your nutrients.

this is jus ton the boron, go onto the nextpage where we talk about zinc. zinc, another important trace mineral. many friends of mine, whether they're eatinga plant based diet or not are deficient in zinc. that’s because zinc is disappearing fromthe soils and not being supplemented because standard agriculture is focused on 3 mainminerals putting in npk, and they don’t care about anything else man, and they'regrowing these big giant heads of lettuce and things that taste like nothing that don’tgive you the nutrients that your body really requires to function and don’t get startedif you're eating processed foods, man.

processed foods, that’s some of the cheapeststuff you could get and they process a lot of the nutrients out of it. anyways, for example, zinc… wheat grasswas the same whether they added the zinc or not but for example, the lettuce you know,you could eat one serving instead of two servings and the calories was 99 versus 104 so that’snot like a big savings for zinc, you know, with this formula versus the control. the control had good zinc levels in there. but what’s even more fun is when we getinto these guys. this is the silver and the tin.

so for example, on silver, for lettuce, youcould either eat one head if you had this mineral formula added to your soil and actuallythis is the same one i added to my lettuce bed over there—oh my light came on, it’sgetting dark. or you could eat eight servings of lettuceto get the same amount of the trace minerals by using the health formula. and once again, the calorie difference, 140versus 377, that’s like almost two and a half, three times difference. so on tin, on the health formula, versus thecontrol you could eat one serving of radishes or you’ll have to eat 52 servings of radishesgrown in control.

i don't know, that’s a lot of radish toeat, right? my goal these days is to eat the minimum amountof food and get the maximum amount of nutrients. not only the trace minerals but also the plantphytochemical sand phytonutrients and vitamins and minerals. and so that’s literally what this fertilizerallows me to do, allows me to really maximize the trace minerals so that i don’t haveto buy a supplement that maybe isn’t easily absorbed. of course this is advanced topic, advancedcredit only if you're really serious about your health.

maybe you have a condition, maybe you havediabetes or something, right? you might want to try that glucose tolerancefactor—try it. right, it’s 100 bucks, right, you guys arebuying insulin or whatever and if it wasn’t covered by insurance, it’d cost well morethan 100 bucks. like drugs, they're really expensive. invested in some fertilizer. it’s going to last you a long time if youjust scoop it out by the teaspoon like i'm doing, right. it’s a good investment.

it’s going to last. maybe you’ll see a difference in your diet. of course growing high mineral food is notthe answer to all the world’s health challenges, but in my opinion, it’s the part of theanswer. trace minerals are definitely indicated inmany different disease situations and i have seen diseases get reversed by supplementingwith foods rich in trace minerals. it may just be eating more fruits and vegetables. that may do it for you. it may be adding in things like kelp powdersand seaweed powders and other kinds of plant

available trace minerals into you. it might be adding in some of these vegetablesthat are grown in the soil solution products to basically up the levels of the certaintrace minerals you need to be healthy, to get rid of your disease conditions. of course, also, going along with that, ialways want to encourage you guys to eat a healthy diet that’s focused around plants,right? eat mostly what you grow in your garden andother plant foods. and if you got to eat other junk foods andprocessed foods and animal foods, eat those in small quantities, right?

i don’t really care what you guys eat buti want you guys to eat a lot of plants, especially the ones you grow in high quality soil andalso when you're spending a 100 dollars per bag like, i’ve just put in my garden. you're going to want to eat your food becauseyou don’t want that very nutritious food to go to waste. i’d love to give my food to my family, myparents, my brother, my friends that you know, so they can have some high quality food, right,and maybe they could be healthy because of you know, robert, the owner and ceo of thiscompany, has research that shows there’s higher uptakes in his products you know thathe’s grown and the fertilizer products that

he’s used to grow food is of higher quality. now here’s the thing—if you don’t wantto invest in a fertilizer which is by far the cheapest way to do this and as time goeson, since he’s a new company hopefully he’s going to get these products into walmart oneof these days and it’s going to be super cheap to do it on mass scale—he does allthese batches by hand and stuff, lots of labor, he uses us labor, pays a fair wage up in wyomingor wherever he’s at. if you don’t want to buy the fertilizerand grow out with it, what he has is these guys—he sent me a couple of samples here. he has his wheatgrass powder.

so this is wheatgrass powder grown in theglucose tolerance factory. basically he took his product, grew wheatgrasswith it, he got the wheatgrass and then he powdered it up and put it in a bottle foryou so you guys could take it. this is the glucose tolerance factor—i guesshe sent me three of those. so this is for people that may have thingslike diabetes, this may help them with their blood sugar issues to need less insulin ormaybe even potentially get off it. he has been getting testimonials from peopleyou know, on just literally changing and adding in some super mineral rich, certain mineralrich enhanced foods to get better. i think this is really where drugs will goin the future, instead of taking a drug to

cure your diabetes or unfortunately, mostdrugs do not cure anything in my opinion. they are a crutch. my dad is on blood pressure lowering medications—itdidn’t just fix him, he has to take that for the rest of his life, against my wishes,right? maybe if he grew in the heart health fertilizer,maybe he’d get off his drugs and not have to keep buying drugs that basically don’tdo anything to fix the problem, they’re a band-aid or a temporary crutch and an toa full solution whereas i believe these produces—if every drug store sold food. if you could go to the grocery store and buyfood grown in these mineral products, people

could have really nutritious food and maybewe wouldn’t have any diseases in our world today! this is, i think, where we really need togo. these fertilizer products need to go out tobig industries and people need to start going, especially in the cannabis industry—medicinalcannabis. could be grown with some of these trace mineralsto get higher uptakes so that when the users of the cannabis, hopefully they're juicingit or using it in its raw state, it’s going to get better results because they're alsogoing to get not only the cannabanoids but also higher levels of trace minerals thathave been implicated in certain diseases,

so the future is great, i'm glad to be livingin this time now, there’s so much new information, technology, and things going on in the worldso that you guys can get healthier one step at a time if you guys want to. and that’s what i simply do. a lot of you guys are going to poopoo this—johnthat stuff is too expensive! fine! you can garden on the cheap, growing yourown food is still better than the store, right? my goal, because i almost lost my life, isto grow the highest quality food so i don’t end up back at the hospital again and beingout of control.

i want to control my ultimate destiny andmy ultimate health and i believe this is a product that can do it for you guys. so if you guys want to learn more about theseproducts here, you want to visit the website, i’ll alsoput the links down below this video so you guys can check it out. also be sure to use the discount code gyg. this is going to be for a limited time onlyand that’s going to get you guys 30 percent off these soil conditioners or even if youdon’t want to grow your stuff in the soil conditioners, the cheapest way, this bag,if you're just dolling it out a teaspoon at

a time with your transplants or even in yourplant starts or when you're moving into pots or if you’re just growing into pots, youcan put the teaspoon in the plants or around the seed, that’s going to definitely getsome uptake. another thing i forgot to mention is thatonce you treat your soil it’s going to last for 4 years so you don’t have to re-addthis stuff to your soil for another 4 years but if it’s in the bag it’s probably goingto literally last forever. the minerals aren’t going to just evaporate,so, yes, definitely an investment to make. if you don’t want to use this stuff, ofcourse a discount code will also work for the different powders that in my opinion areactually quite expensive.

definitely pays money in this case to buythe fertilizer products, grow your own food, and actually take your food and dehydrateit into your own patterns so you could eat it in the winter and in times when you'renot able to eat the healthiest food out of your own garden. that’s pretty much my episode for today. i didn’t eat lunch because i had to workthrough lunch to get this planted, make this video for you guys so i'm going to go in andeat lunch at dinner time and then i’ll eat dinner later. anyways if you guys enjoyed this episode,learning about the trace minerals and the

importance of them, i also want to encourageyou guys to go to the website down below to learn about the trace minerals and why theyare so important and also link to a database that talks about mineral deficiencies andwhat challenges, the health challenges you may see because of that. i mean, this is new, evolving research andi believe every place that has like a health facility retreat center that’s growing foodshould be using these, especially with people for certain conditions because it’s onlygoing to in my opinion up the level of healing and success for people around the world. so yeah, anyways, if you enjoyed this episode,please give me a thumbs up.

i’ll try to get out to robert’s placeand see how he’s growing it, what he’s doing, make a full video there, if i get athousand thumbs ups. i’ll go out to his place in wyoming, hopefullyin the summertime because i'm going to freeze my butt off in the winter. also make sure to check the links down belowin the description. i have links in the original video i did withrobert, other videos i talked about in this episode, also the link to the place to buythe stuff. also be sure to click that subscribe buttonright down below to be notified of my new and upcoming episodes.

i have new and upcoming episodes every threeto four days on this channel. you never know where i'm going to pop up,what you’ll be learning on my youtube channel. finally, be sure to check out my past episodes. my past episodes are a wealth of knowledge. i have over 1200 episodes now at this pointteaching you guys all aspects on how to grow the highest quality food on the planet. so once again, my name is john kohler we’ll see you next time. and until then, remember, keep on growing.

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