plants for medicinal use

plants for medicinal use

aloe vera has been considered a magicalmedicinal plant even the aztecs used it as a miracle drug to treat many diseasestraditional medicine appreciates its detoxification urging acidneutralization and fat reduction according to modern research it has apositive effect on blood sugar levels and blood lipid concentration includingcholesterol levels but aloe vera is not always aloe vera real aloe vera aloebarbadensis is a desert lily and is cultivated in arid regions primarily incentral and south america the effects of aloe vera strongly dependent upon how itis processed and the differences already begin with how it is harvested in orderto avoid damaging the plant believes

should ideally be cut by half as theouter skin of the leaf contains poisonous a low in a substance thatprotects the plant from animals and has a laxative effect on humans the skinmust be carefully separated from the inner leaf gel this leaf journalism asvaluable part of the aloe vera plant the journal has been proven to contain overone hundred and fifty vital substances such as vitamins enzymes polysaccharidesand trace elements it's this unique combination of ingredients and the wayin which they interact with each other but results in the healing if it one of the most important plantsubstances is a seminar which has a

positive effect on the immune system andcan also reduce informations and free radicals the result the oxygen supplyimproved let's take a closer look at this fact blood is supplied with oxygenin the lungs and then transported by the blood vessels into the cells the largeblood vessels branch out becoming smaller and smaller until they turn intotiny caterpillars caterpillars by the way that the smallest blood vessels thisis where the oxygen passes over from the blood vessels into the cells eating habits environmental pollutionstress and increased physical effort to weaken our immune system free radicalshave an easier time of things that can

cause micro inflammation throughout thebody these informations can damage bloodvessels and result in a thickening of the fine capillary walls this swellingconstricts the flow of blood slowing down the blood cells on their waythrough the capillaries which as a result impedes the oxygen supply andit's here that the oliver acts it reduces the swelling on the capillarywalls the blood cells can flow faster again and the oxygen supplies improvedfurthermore toxins and impurities are removed more quickly the latest studies have revealed thatother natural substances can improve the

effects of ella very even further thesesubstances primarily includes silicon but they also include evening primroseand alkaline minerals but first let's look at silicon a bit more closely forour bodies silicon is life is essential and a structure building element wealready know it has courts and as it occurs in stones and so met in the bodysilicone is there to stabilize our human tissue as a supportive element itstrengthens bones hair nails connective tissues and also the walls of ourcapabilities as we grow older the capillary wallshave a tendency to lose their form and resilience we can literally collapse

interrupting the blood flow and theworst this can lead to a stroke or a heart attack cilic and strengthens and supports thecapillary walls thereby keeping the bloodstream open as a result theerythrocytes can now supply the cells with oxygen more efficiently silicone inits original form as courts and cannot be absorbed at all by the human bodyalternatives can however be found in nature and ideal plant-based sources thestinging nettle it is rich in natural silica and which can be better absorbedby humans optimum oxygen supply is not only dependent on the computer is butalso on the condition of the blood

itself only when blood is liquid in upand it passed through the narrow gap hillary's for improving flow propertiesof blood we have evening primrose with its polyunsaturated fatty acids andbasic alkaline minerals polyunsaturated fatty acids make the blood they preventthe concluding nation or sticking together of blood cells and therebystopped clotting of the blood alkaline minerals support the elasticity of thered blood cells thus helping them to pass through the tiny computer is moresmoothly both helped to increase the bloods rate of flow and thus contributeto maintaining an optimum oxygen supply so let's review the main points againthe supply of oxygen to ourselves is a

vital prerequisite for overall healthbut also helps to safeguard against serious illnesses paulo there're but itsdecongestant effects improves the oxygen supply silicones strengthens the vesselwalls and keep the bloodstream open reinforcements comes from eveningprimrose and basic alkaline minerals what traditional medicine has known fora long time has now also been confirmed by modern research aloe vera improvesyour oxygen supply and therefore your general health because oxygen means lifeplace or trust in aloe vera

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